Signature of the book « Le vivier de l’oubli » at Sursock Museum

Halfway hybrid between a novel and an epistolary exchange, « Le vivier de l’oubli », published by Éditions Écriture, is the first book written by Robert Matta and Nada El Khoury.
Starting from famous surrealist game to literature, the authors seduce hundreds of readers gathered at the Sursock Museum for the signature of their « exquisite corpse ». After a remarkable release in France, the Lebanese public is eager to discover this new piece written with four hands.
The story: Everything begins with an oversight.
Looking for a house to buy in Provence, a writer forgets his iPad in the property. The real estate counselor discovers it, hesitates slightly, takes it and finally opens it. There, she discovers pictures (Istanbul, a woman in red, the writer…), words of love, scattered reflections. From this clandestine reading, pop up bits of her own existence: a forbidden romance (with a priest), a painful separation, and loneliness.
In the village, after having left a note on the tablecloth of the writer’s table and returned him his iPad – she sees the woman in red, that of the clichés of the digital tablet. Intrigued, troubled, she follows her into a mall. Discreetly, she takes photos of her…
The authors:
Nada El Khoury is a founding member and artistic vice-president of Apeal (Association for the Promotion and Exhibition of the Arts in Lebanon).
Robert Matta, doctor in clinical psychology and collector, conducts cultural actions through his foundation RAM. He publishes the annual magazine PICTORAM promoting arts & culture in Lebanon, and co-produces the weekly audiovisual program « 5 de PIC » with Télé Liban.

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